Julie Blake, 25, is the type of friend you stay up all night giggling with. This lovable and outgoing gal grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, but now lives in Flagstaff, where she works as an education coordinator for the Ecological Restoration Institute. She’s also a pursuing a master’s degree in environmental education through a liberal studies program called “Visions of Good and Sustainable Societies.” Julie has traveled all across the western U.S., including Alaska, and has ventured deep into Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Her interests include snowboarding, skiing, hiking, backpacking, camping, traveling, reading, surfing, beach bummin’ and her boyfriend/honny/partner, Mike Stoddard. Julie was on her way to work when she heard about the attacks. As she explains, “It’s strange. I actually went in to work a little late and was jammin’ out to music at home, having a great morning. I first realized something was very wrong when I was listening to National Public Radio in my car on my way to work.” Julie wrote her essay Sept. 17.

Flagstaff, Arizona – I don’t really feel comfortable diving into a huge commentary about how the American economy and way of life has continuously benefited from the poverty and exploitation of others worldwide – but I believe it is true. And I can only attribute Tuesday’s attacks on America to a last-ditch effort of extremely impoverished people to take a stand against this world super-power I know as home. What other choice do they really have?

I’m not sure, but my compassion for these terrorists seems to have put me at odds with the rest of my country. I truly cannot comprehend how people, in the midst of such tragedy, can demand that more lives be sacrificed and revenge be sought at all cost. It seems so illogical to me. Since when is more violence a solution for violent acts? What are we possibly trying to do here besides perpetuate a thirst for greed and an overwhelming ego that just might kill us…literally.

When will we, as a country, start to share in a common sense of humility that might help us learn from tragic events such as these? I believe there are great lessoned to be learned here, if only blind rage and hatred doesn’t first consume us. We must examine what would possibly drive people to hate us so much that they see us as the supreme evil to be humbled at all cost. That is where our lesson lies.

I do not understand this push for war, nor do I wish to, but I hope we can come together with a new sense of awareness that will make all this death worthwhile. I hope that, one day, we can build a strong nation of impassioned citizens who will place the quality of life (around the world) before economic concerns.